Grocery bags are the metaphor of commodity and also the carrier of the commodity.

What should we sacrifice to live a good life? What is the American dream we believe in? What is a good life?

She is deafened by the coaxing lies

The shining hands also try to blind her eyes

Her brain is pierced to make her comply

All the curses make her lose her soul and mind

Splitting in half, violently they rive

Removing her existence, they rip her while she is alive

Gouging her in the eyes, she couldn’t defy

Cutting her mouth off, she couldn’t even sigh

I hear her scream when I walk by

I catch her in the air when she falls from the sky

I lift her up to let her tears dry

I wring her tears out while she asks why

I let her rest in my palm so then she can go back to the fight

It is life

To all the pain and hurt, we shall say goodbye

In the end, everything will be ok and we will all be all right

The choice of the material highlights the idea of the social fabric and emphasizes the fluidity of identity.
